We know that where you give, and who you give to is important. We pray your generosity would bring you great joy as you worship through giving. Your generosity makes a difference in the Kingdom of God. Check out our 2023 Impact Report to see all the ways God was at work in and through our community, because of the generosity of people like you.


As of April 30, 2024

Total Income | $227,439
Total Expenses | $234,964

Total Donations | $203,117
Budgeted Donations | $226,191

Tax Credit Calculator

Calculate how much of a donation you get back as a tax credit.

Have you given $200 or more to any charity this year?
Different tax credit rates apply to the first $200 given and any amount over $200.


Your gift only costs $0.00

*Estimates from CRA




You can give via cash, cheque, debit, or credit card in person during office hours or on Sunday gatherings.

You can give via cash, cheque, debit, or credit card in person during office hours or on Sunday gatherings.

Text "Give" to 204-400-2966

Text "Give" to 204-400-2966

GIVE By Crypto

Through Canada Helps we are able to accept Bitcoin and Ether cryptocurrency donations. Canada helps facilitates both the crypto conversion, and the receipting of each donation. Simply add “The House” registered charity number 783933898 RR 0001 for your donation.